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October Highlights

As autumn leaves start to fall, we’re excited to share the latest news, product highlights, and special offers to help you gear up for a successful season in the food service industry.


Time to Mix it Up!

We are excited to announce the newest addition to Hobart’s spiral mixer lineup! The new HSL130 has a 130-pound capacity, making it a great choice for smaller bakery operations. This amazing new mixer has all of the following features:



  • Electronic controls

  • 20-minute timer with two mixing speeds

  • Bowl guard

  • Double-pulley belt-driven motor

  • Easy-to-clean kneading zone

  • Bowl-pulsing system

  • Bidirectional bowl rotation

Hobart Q & A

Do you have questions about your Hobart products? Check out this great blog post on food safety and operator assurance! There’s always more to know!

LFED Service

Maintenance matters! Although we want to continuously distribute to you, we also want you to get the most out of your equipment! That’s why keeping up with the service your equipment needs is so important. It’s also a money saver! More information is below!

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Commercial Food Equipment Sales Grand Rapids, MI